RPC - Radiation Protection Expert Approval Application
In compliance with Basic Safety Standards for Ionising Radiation Regulations, SL 585.01
Position No 1
Dates of Employment
Provide a summary of the work performed during this engagement
Provide a summary of the work performed during this engagement
Position No 3
Dates of Employment
Provide a summary of the work performed during this engagement
Provide a summary of the work performed during this engagement
Requirement 2: Points
The demonstration of an effort to keep up to date, contribute to knowledge, or maintain continued growth in the areas the individual is approved in, by obtaining the minimum points required in document DOC 53, by engaging in one or more of the seven categories below.
Supporting documentation is required for all points claimed. All supporting documentation shall be keyed by section number to the proper section of the application and attached to the back of this application.
A. Regulatory Learning Activities
Attending a national meeting on radiation protection legislation in Malta that has been notified to the Commission
Appropriate documentation: Attendance certificates.
Notes on filling in the details below:
Document Number: The number written down should be marked on the verification document/s supplied
Training Course: The name of the training course or workshop
Document Description: State what kind of document is being attached eg. Certificate of attendance, examination result, letter of verification etc
Number of Points: Write the number of points from the list provided in Annex 1 for each activity
Doc No.
Training Course Name, Meeting. etc.
Cat. No.
Document Description
No. of Points
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Training Course Name, Meeting. etc.
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Document Description
No. of Points
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No. of Points
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Training Course Name, Meeting. etc.
Cat. No.
Document Description
No. of Points
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Training Course Name, Meeting. etc.
Cat. No.
Document Description
No. of Points
Total Points for this Category
B. General Learning Activities
2.1 Attendance at international, radiological meeting
2.2 Attendance at national radiological meetings of professional societies
2.3 Attending a radiation related course/workshop organised within an undertaking
2.4 Online virtual real-time radiation related meeting or presentation
2.5 Planned self-directed radiation related learning, e.g computer-based e-learning.
2.6 Visits to overseas departments for special training
2.7 Membership of radiation protection related body, committee, working group or official sub-committees
2.8 Formal non-radiation safety related on the job training activities and experiences e.g. development of interpersonal skills, time management etc.
Appropriate documentation: attendance certificates, pass certificates of examination taken during courses, letters of enrollment etc.
Notes on filling in the details below:
Document Number: The number written down should be marked on the verification document/s supplied.
Document Description: The name of the conference, seminar or meeting attended.
Document Description: State what kind of document is being attached, eg. Certificate of attendance, examination result, letter of verification etc.
Number of Points: Write the number of points from the list provided in Annex 1 for each activity.
Doc No.
Training Course Name, Meeting. etc.
Cat. No.
Document Description
No. of Points
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Document Description
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Document Description
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Training Course Name, Meeting. etc.
Cat. No.
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Training Course Name, Meeting. etc.
Cat. No.
Document Description
No. of Points
Total Points for this Category
C. Practice Activities
3.1 Documented advice to undertaking on regulatory obligations not related to medical exposures.
3.2 Development of Radiation safety programme implemented in an organisation.
3.3 Documented example of the development of safety culture within an organisation.
3.4 Documented example of optimisation of the radiation protection.
3.5 Documented design of new facilities.
3.6 Workplace, environmental and individual monitoring.
3.7 Waste management.
3.8 Direct responsibility of Radiation Protection at a facility.
3.9 Performing RP Risk Assessment per practice area.
3.10 Performing a RP Safety Audit.
3.11 Emergency response preparations.
3.12 Accident and incident investigation.
3.13 Training of exposed workers.
3.14 Supervision and mentoring of staff.
3.15 Preparation and delivery of formal lectures or seminars, first presentation.
3.16 Repeat delivery of formal lectures or seminars.
3.17 Publication of an RP related paper in a recognised scientific journal.
3.18 Oral or poster presentation on a radiation protection.
Appropriate documentation:
The first page of the article or paper is adequate, provided that the title, the author(s), name(s) and the name and date of the publication appear. Official membership certificate, letters of appointment etc.
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Training Course Name, Meeting. etc.
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Total Points for this Category
Documented Evidence attached to this Application
Total No. of Documents
Total No. of Sheets
Total No. of Documents
Total No. of Sheets
Total No. of Documents
Total No. of Sheets
Note: In accordance with the published Criteria for RPE Approval your name and area of expertise will be listed in the publicly available register on the RPC website.
Declaration of the Applicant
This page must be printed when filled, signed, uploaded as an attachment and submitted to the Commission via email ( info.rpc@gov.mt ) or by other means to address below.
Send completed form to Radiation Protection Commission at Sorbonne Centre, Unit F22, Mosta Technopark, Mosta
The Radiation Protection Commission will process your data in accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act. We will not release any Information held about you to third parties except where necessary for the fulfillment of this application. We may process your address, telephone, fax or e-mail details to contact you in connection with this application. Completion and submission of this application form signifies your consent to the processing of this data. Please contact us if you would like us to inform you about the personal data we hold about you or if you require such data to be corrected.
The list below outlines three (3) different activities that, if carried out, will award points towards the Continuing Professional Development of an individual aspiring as a Radiation Protection Expert or for subsequent re-approval. An individual will have to meet the number of points required for each practice as listed in document EQ/INF/1.
An individual approved as a Radiation Protection Expert in one (1) area of practice and who wishes to become approved in another area can use the number of points acquired in the approved practice area towards her/his application in another practice area. Similarly, an individual applying for multi practice area, will only need the number of points of that practice area that carries the maximum number of CPD points.
Max % of total points in 5 years
i: Attending and passing a formal examined radiation safety course within the last 5 years (per hour)
B: Attendance at Conferences / Seminars / Meetings
1 Attendance at international radiological meeting
2 points per hour
2 Attendance at national radiological meetings of professional societies. 1 point per hour
3 Attending a radiation related course/workshop organised within an undertaking. 0.5 point per hour
4 Online virtual real-time radiation related meeting or presentation. 0.5 point per hour
5 Planned self-directed radiation related learning, e.g computer-based e-learning. 2 points per topic
6 Visits to overseas departments for special training. 4 points per day
7 Membership of medical physics related body, committee, working group or official sub-committees. 2 points per year
8 Formal non-radiation safety related on the job training activities and experiences, e.g. development of interpersonal skills, time management etc. 1 point per topic
1 Documented advice to undertaking on regulatory obligations not related to medical exposures. 2 points per documented activity
2 Development of Radiation safety programme. 10 points per complete radiation safety programme developed
3 Documented example of the development of safety culture within an organisation. 2 points per documented activity